Why members prefer HomeHak’s new
people-oriented approach to home renting
Why DIY Landlords and Homeowners use HomeHak to rent accommodation
Access a pool of trustworthy tenants with credentials pre-prepared. Don’t just select the quickest to apply.
Tenant CVs can have ID verification from Stripe, renting history, employment or university details, a photo, a bio video or a pet CV. Use filters to match applicant needs with the property.
Save hours per property and big costs. A consistent Tenant CV format means no analysis of surplus enquiries, no skimpy email applications, fewer incoming calls and viewings with mismatched applicants.
Working with leading letting agents and accommodation providers
Use a modern people-oriented Tenant selection process
Rent your property with confidence. Invite applicants to submit HomeHak Tenant CVs.
See good quality, consistent Tenant CVs in one place.
Spend less time reviewing inconsistent, incomplete email enquiries from property website ads and more time engaging with trustworthy tenants.
Happy tenants, who treat your property like a home, are likely to look after it and stay longer. HomeHak helps you select the best tenants who could be happy in your property.
How HomeHak works for Landlords
Invite applicants to submit their HomeHak Tenant CV code, when they respond to your property website ad. Input their code and see their Tenant CV.
Attract tenants who are members of HomeHak. Use filters and sorting tools to match applicant needs with the property
Get to know applicants and what they need, in advance of viewings. Let sitting tenants select their new housemate.
A map shows who will have convenient commutes. Co-applicants shown as a ready-made household. Tools match applicants needs with a property
Focus on organised applicants who search months in advance of the move-in date. Applicants protect their personal data, while landlord GDPR risks are managed.
Prove you are not a “Fake Landlord” with ID verification provided by Stripe. It only takes 3 minutes.
Why Landlords Are Using HomeHak
HomeHak helps Landlords make an informed choice, cost effectively and efficiently.
Build Trust Upfront
Get a sense of applicants’ trustworthiness upfront rather than at the end of the process. ID verification is available for free through Stripe, and information about references can be reviewed before viewing is scheduled, at the applicant’s discretion.
Data Protection
Tenant data is securely stored on the platform in the tenant’s own account. Landlords can mitigate some GDPR responsibilities that comes with collecting applications. Landlords can focus on a manageable number of trustworthy applicants who meet expectations.
Hassle-Free Searching
Quicker and easier to select the right tenants on HomeHak Tenant Selector than administer hundreds of inconsistent incoming enquiries. Automated messaging to unsuccessful applicants when the property is rented frees time and cuts calls and emails.
Focus on the right people for the right homes
A property ad can lead to hundreds of enquiries. Who should be invited to a viewing? Who will be happy in the home? HomeHak helps Landlords filter tenant CVs by what the tenant wants other factors. Landlords can make an informed selection.
Centralised Applications & Messages
Review and manage all applications in one place and on one map. Route messages through HomeHak and automatically update applicants on the status of the property letting.
Save Time and Money. Avoid Considerable Hassle
No more fruitless viewings with mismatched applicants. Cut emails and phone calls for properties already rented. Invite applicants to submit HomeHak Tenant CVs so selection can be made much more efficiently.
Manage Applicant Numbers
Allow sitting tenants to make initial tenant selection before passing recommendations to Landlord for interview and verifications. Helps ensure good chemistry between housemates.
See best applicants in the marketplace
No need to store details of potential tenants, which isn’t GDPR friendly practice. Benefit from access to one central pool of tenants that’s kept up to date and GDPR prudent.