Tips for Parents of Students starting University in Ireland


Whether it’s your first, only or last child, whether they are moving away or staying near to you, HomeHak has put together a guide to help you with your children heading to university. Read more to find your tips for parents guide of students starting university in Ireland.

Help them to prepare

Set your student up for university. It can feel like there is so much to consider even before your child’s departure to university. It may be their first time living independently so it is important that they grasp the basics of living away from home. Tips for parents include start by giving them a few cooking demonstrations in the kitchen. Make sure to stick to easy recipes. Show them how a washing machine works and the differences between detergent, fabric softener etc. Try and implement these learning lessons sooner rather than later so they can learn as they go. 


Photo by Erol Ahmed on Unsplash

Stay-at-home students

Just because your child isn’t going away to study doesn’t mean you can’t teach them to live independently. It is easy to forget that they are a university student now so they will be itching for freedom so make sure to give them their space. To avoid worry when your child is going out, communicate that they send a text letting you know if they will be home or not. Remember, it’s still ok to set boundaries and clear rules for them letting you know their whereabouts. 



This is super important, even for live at home students. In some cases, students may be eligible for student grants or bursary (check out this article for more information on eligibility). A student living at home should be aiming to work on average 10 hours of work a week and should avoid excessive term-job work hours. Remember, the child is at university to study, make memories and meet new friends. 


After they have gone tips for parents

You may be feeling an abundance of emotions and this is completely normal. For them, the nerves will quickly fade as they are caught up in freshers/welcome week activities and their course gets underway. You might find that you find the transition harder than they do. A new student is embarking on the beginning of an adventure where as for you, it’s an ending. Be prepared for the time it might take for you to adjust. 


Support your child through their exams

University is filled with new and enjoyable experiences, but exams and deadlines can make it a challenging time too. Exams can be a stressful time for any young person, especially when they are having to balance this with the pressures of living independently too. 


Here are a few ways to help your child gain some extra headspace during this time

  • Encourage them to take regular revision breaks and find a balance between studying and doing things they find enjoyable and relaxing.
  • Check in with them regularly and encourage them to eat and drink at regular intervals.
  • Reassure them and let them know that you are proud of them whatever the outcome.

It’s not forever

Whether your child is home at the weekend or you don’t see them again until Christmas, know that it is only temporary. Your child will be back in the same bedroom and abandoning clothes in the same place, but they’ll have moved on and grown up in subtle ways. Try to enjoy watching these changes, as you did when they were small. You too are the same person but will have moved on as well, so embrace it.


Keep in touch

Try to keep contact. Figure out what works best for you. A simple daily text message, a weekly phone call or whatever it may be. This helps to maintain your relationship and keeps you updated on their exciting adventures through university.


To Summarise

It can be a mixture of emotions, a time of celebration and anticipation. How will they manage without you? How will you manage without them, more to the point? We hope with these tips that you will find excitement in your child’s move and be there to support them every step of the way! We hope you enjoyed reading our tips for parents guide of Students starting University in Ireland!

For more parent guides, check out our other articles you might be intersted in:

Top Tips for Parents of Irish University Students Studying Abroad


Studying abroad poses many questions for students, but quite a few for parents as well. The type of questions that can cause serious stress and anxiety. Don’t worry. It’s not as bad as it may seem. And to help you, here are HomeHaks top tips to help get you through this exciting, and sometimes overwhelming, time.


Educate Yourself

Research the destination country, including its history, culture, customs, laws, social/moral codes, dress and language. Along with your student, learn a few of the local words and phrases. Never hesitate to ask questions of your student, the advisor or even a program administrator.



Letting go

Allow your student to make the most of the study abroad decisions – be a guide, not a supervisor. Give your student the information and resources he or she needs to make informed decisions. Don’t expect to hear from your student every day while he or she is abroad, and don’t make your student feel bad for that. Talk with parents whose children have previously studied abroad and try to prepare for the emotions they say they experienced.


Photo by L. Filipe C. Sousa on Unsplash

Top Tips for Packing

If your student wears glasses, get him or her an extra pair or two to take with, particularly if they are prescription lenses. If your student is taking any prescription medications, be sure to send him or her overseas with an extra supply and a copy of the prescription. Check out this article for must know tips for packing to study abroad. 





Establish a plan of communication with your student prior to departure.  Encourage your child to start an instagram travel blog page while away so that you (and any other family members or friends) can follow along with the adventures. Students and parents should both have a set of emergency contacts with them at all times, including contacts from the school and program.



Have your child manage some money on his or her own before departing. Devise a financial plan with your child for the time he or she will be abroad. To limit spending and avoid lost money, teach your child to take money out of the ATM a little at a time. Don’t begin exchanging currency before your child departs-have him or her wait until he or she reached the destination.


Student responsibility

Discuss financial, social and academic responsibility with your child. Encourage your student to resolve his or her own issues while abroad and step in only when necessary. Have your student do the bulk of the study abroad research. Let your student know that you trust him or her to make the right decisions while studying abroad.



Tell your student to stick to the busy restaurants, as eating at these is likely safer than at less popular restaurants. Freshly cooked foods are the best bet because they are less likely to contain contaminants. Although they may be legally permitted to drink abroad, students should be advised to drink with great care while studying abroad. 



Students must be encouraged to cultivate and utilize their “street smarts” while studying abroad. Tell them to avoid political demonstrations, to only take official taxis and to protect their passport at all times. Establish emergency procedures with your student prior to departure. Use the State Department’s website to stay current on safety issues in specific countries. Tell your student to avoid bringing locals back to his or her living quarters. 



If you visit, choose to do so at a time that is convenient for your student. Remember that while it may be a vacation for you, your student still has responsibilities. You will miss your student, and he or she will miss you, but for ultimate growth, the student needs to spend quality time immersed in the culture and with fellow study abroad students.


To summarise

Allow your child a period of adjustment when first getting home. Students are used to being more independent, so take that into consideration. Encourage your student to keep in touch with the people he or she traveled with and met while studying abroad.  Lend an attentive ear to your child when he or she gets home. These are HomeHaks top tips, we hope you have enjoyed them.

For more parent guides, check out our other articles you might be intersted in:

Practical Guide for Parents with Irish Students Studying Abroad in University

Tips for Parents of Students starting University in Ireland