My tenant CV stood outWhen I applied for an apartment, I included a link to my HomeHak tenant CV. The landlord loved it and I got an invite to a viewing invite that day. It was easy.
Your connections vouch for you.Living at home, I didn’t have landlord references. With HomeHak I could show references from my Coach, my Lecturer and Friends who were happy to vouch for me. Thanks to their help, I have my own place.
My personal data is safeI used to be nervous about sharing ID and other personal information. Now I just share a link to my HomeHak CV. The landlord or agent can check what they need, and I can see on my dashboard when they reviewed my info. It just feels safer.
A readymade householdMy two friends and I linked our HomeHak CV’s and applied jointly for the house. The landlord loved that they could see everything up front about the three of us. It was easier for her and much better for us than moving in separately with strangers.
Ready anytime I want to moveMy renting details and references were all over the place. Now I store everything safely on HomeHak and I can use them whenever I like in the future. Handy if I move to a new country.
Rent your home with less hassle, time and cost.
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Input your information and HomeHak will transform it into an impressive Tenant CV
Share your Tenant CV link safely on email, SMS, WhatsApp or on any social media channel.
Send your Tenant CV direct to Landlords or apply through Letting Agents websites. On Property websites, tell landlords and agents you have a pre-prepared Tenant CV on HomeHak. No more repetitive applications.
Everything stored safely in one place. No worries about losing references or sensitive documents.