Co-Applicants Feature – The best way to find a Ready-Made Household

Friends at home laughing

Unique to HomeHak is that individual home-seekers can join their tenant CVs to form ready-made households. Imagine knowing up front that all information for four housemates is organised and ready to view!


Since the home-seekers know each other, they probably have good chemistry and are likely to get on well in the home. It will likely mean less hassle and easier property management.


Learn more about one of the most beneficial features of our platform and the several practical use cases it offers for landlords and agents.




Our mission is to help home seekers secure homes they like and, at the same time, help landlords and agents find trustworthy tenants. By succeeding, we will help create happy households that are more likely to treat a property like their home. Consequently, they will probably look after it better and want to stay longer.


Happy tenants will also likely be lower maintenance tenants for the property manager, which helps margins. Check out this article about the importance of having happy tenants.


Family at home
Photo by Dahiana Waszaj on Unsplash


How does HomeHak’s Co-Applicants feature work?

Home seekers with similar needs or interests, such as students in the same course, people in the same profession, or those who work in the same area can join their Tenant CVs and present as co-applicants for a property, forming a ready-made household.


The co-applicants feature allows agents and landlords to quickly see what ready-made households are listed on our tenant selector. It ensures a happier household, and makes life easier for the landlord and agent.


Have a look at Hanna and her friends’ Tenant CV here!


Understanding what tenants want

To satisfy home-seekers needs, you first need to understand what they want. With HomeHak, they have the opportunity to outline what they would like upfront, which enables better matching with each rental property.


Sometimes, when you advertise a multi-tenant property on a property website, you receive 400 applications and don’t know who to invite or group together in a household.


Instead of:

  • Selecting the fastest people to apply to the ad, or the most persistent callers on the phone. Neither criterion identifies the person most suited to the property.
  • Spending time and resources administering, receiving, analysing, filtering and responding to unsuccessful applicants (99% for most properties).


HomeHak’s Co-Applicants Feature allows you to:

  • Request applicants in your property ad to create their individual HomeHak Tenant CVs. You will be able to verify their IDs, unique renting history, employer details and character references separately.
  • Request applicants in your property ad who want to live together to join their HomeHak Tenant CVs as Co-applicants. This is a simple process involving a few clicks.
  • Later, when you review any one of the applicant’s HomeHak Tenant CVs, you can also see details for the other co-applicants on the Tenant CVs.

Lastly, check out this article about the benefits of requesting Tenant CVs to find great tenants.


Move-In Day: HomeHaks Top Tips On Ways To Help Your New Tenants

Move-In Day: HomeHaks Top Tips On Ways To Help Your New Tenants


The job of building a relationship with a tenant begins the first day you show them around. When a renter is choosing a new place to live, how they feel about a potential landlord can count for a lot. It counts for even more when it comes time for tenants to decide whether to stay or go. And if they’ve kept up their end of the bargain by being clean, quiet, and reliable with their payments, you’ll probably want to make sure to keep them around.

Establish a good relationship on move-in day

One of the best times to establish a good rapport with your tenants is on move-in day. Renters will remember the help you offered on that stressful day, and they know they can count on you in the event of a problem and for any questions they might have.


Moving Day Tips
Photo by ConvertKit on Unsplash

How to help

To come up with ways to welcome incoming tenants, put yourself in their shoes. It’s going to be an exhausting couple of days of unpacking boxes and arranging furniture. What will they need the most during that time that doesn’t involve too much time or effort? Here are a few options for a complete welcome package.

Make sure your tenant is set up for rent payments

This is something you should take care of before move-in day, just to make sure your tenants don’t have too many other arrangements to make. As soon as your tenant has been accepted and paid their deposit, reach out to them to organise if they need to connect their bank account, credit card, or debit card or if it will be cash for quick and easy payments. If they haven’t gotten set up by move-in day, include a friendly reminder in their welcome package outlining how future payments will be made.

Get them familiar with their new neighbourhood

After all, they haven’t just chosen your building – they’ve chosen your part of the city. Your tenant’s welcome package should include a list of nearby banks, grocery stores, post offices, doctor’s offices, pharmacies, haircutters, dry cleaners, petrol stations, childcare and pet care services – anything a tenant might need on a day-to-day basis. With your help, they’ll know where to go in a pinch without spending too much time Googling.


This list can go beyond basic services, too. Talk to some popular local restaurants, bars, shops and entertainment venues about supplying coupons to include in your tenant’s welcome package. This tells your tenant that they can come to you for suggestions about where to go when they have free time.


HomeHaks Top Tips On Ways To Help Your New Tenants
Photo by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash

Make their first week easy with a few basic supplies

Try and stock your tenant’s kitchen and bathroom with basic necessities. For example: toilet paper, paper towels, all-purpose cleaner, batteries, and light bulbs. This will help your tenants accustom to their new place without having to make a run to the store. They’ll be grateful for your foresight. Check out this article for more information on helping your new tenants on move-in day. 

Connect them with their new neighbors

If you rent a single-family home, make sure to tell new tenants a little bit about their new neighbors and even facilitate an introduction if you know them well. Show tenants that you’re not just operating a building – you’re building a community.


Check out this article by HomeHak Best Ways To Be A Great Landlord – HomeHaks Top Recommendations!